Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 2: Today I Thank Jesus For ...

Last night was our Friday Night Titus 2 monthly gathering for the ladies in my church.  Our focus this month was spent loving on and praying for a sister who is walking through a hard season.  God's plan for her unborn daughter has yet to be revealed.  It was discovered a few weeks ago she has some serious heart abnormalities, in addition to some other issues with her small body.

I can't even think about it without crying.  To be walking in her shoes is beyond anything I can imagine.  There is so much uncertainty of what each day will hold.  Will she survive the pregnancy?  Will she survive the surgery she will need shortly after birth?  Will they ever bring her home?

Only the Lord knows.

As she shared with us last night, the statistics are frightening.

I've been talking through some ways we can come along side our friend with other ladies within our church.  Our current bible study is Treasures of Encouragement by Susan Hunt, so we've used this as an opportunity to live out what we are learning.

God's timing is always perfect.  It was by His design we would be working through this particular study at the same time our sister would be walking through the hardest thing she has ever had to face.

He is equipping us for what He has called us to do.

We decided a few weeks ago we would use our November Titus 2 gathering to spend some time praying with her.  We asked everyone to bring a meal she could pull out of the freezer and heat on the nights when the day has been packed full of doctor appointments, or when exhaustion has just taken over.

It was such a sweet sight watching ladies walk in carrying meals in their arms.

But what was even sweeter was sitting in a room with a group of ladies with our hearts joined together carrying our friend to Jesus.

Yes, it's true.  As she shared with us, the statistics are unnerving, to say the least.

But God is not a statistic.

He's the One who created her tiny body.  He knows the complexity of her heart.  We believe if He chose to, He could heal her before we could even take our next breath.  We believe He can heal her through modern medicine and by using the hands of her doctors.

We are praying for healing.

We are praying our sister and her husband will bring their daughter home and she will live a healthy life.

That's what we want.  That is what are hearts long for.

Ultimately though, we want God's will for her life.

His will might not be to heal her.

It grieves my heart to even type out that sentence.

As we sat with our hearts joined together taking turns praying for our friend, I was overcome with such gratitude.

Grateful to part of a group who desires carry all the needs and wants of our sister to the foot of the cross ... to the One who heals.  Grateful to know the Holy Spirit was in the room with us, and all of things we didn't know to pray for He was interceding for us.

Grateful to know we serve a God that is good ... to know once we walk away from laying it all at His feet, whatever He chooses to do is what's best.

One of the sweetest moments of the night was hearing my friend Mary thanking the Lord for showing us that before even entering this world He has used her life.  Through her He has brought us closer to Him ... collectively and individually.

Her life already has purpose.

A purpose that is invaluable.

She is already been such a blessing to us, and we haven't even met her yet.

Even in times of complete uncertainty, we can be certain God is good.  Even when it hurts.  Even we things are scary.

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