It has been sort of a weird week. We've had things happen that have brought us celebration, things that have brought us much concern and every other emotion in between. I have been meaning to blog for several days, but I just have not had the energy. I sit down to start writing and my brain literally is drained to the point I can't formulate one thought... much less write a post that makes any sense at all. I fully intend to write about many of these events... hopefully soon.
Here are some highlights.
My cousin Andy married. It was so fun to be with family that I don't get to see often enough. I have lots of pictures!
My Sunday school class has been very hard to process. I seriously have much to share about the things the Lord is teaching me. Just when I think we are approaching the end of the study on The Peacemaker, the announcement is made that there will be a ladies bible study begin in the next couple of weeks covering the book. I think I'm not going to participate, yet I end up ordering the book this past week. I had put it in a cart on Amazon I forgot about, along with a cookbook and 2 CD's I've wanted for months, and I get an email telling me there has been a price adjustment on the items in my cart. Everything has decreased in price. The total is $26.62 for all 4 items. I think, jackpot! I intended to remove The Peacemaker because there was only 2 more classes left, but I forgot. This past Sunday the announcement is made about the bible study. Later that day I'm talking to a friend about whether or not I should consider doing the bible study, and he tells me our Grace group is also going to expand on the book. Hmmm... I must be missing something huge the Lord is trying to teach me.
My sister-in-law and nephew make a surprise visit. My brother-in-law is in the military. My sister-in-law came for a visit since my nephew was starting school this week. It was so great to spend some time with them! We are hoping to get to go visit them over Fall break. I'm praying I'm strong enough to be able to make the trip.
Hannah cheers at her 2nd football game. I am so, so proud of how well all of the girls did!
Sara develops a migraine that is now on day 8. Please pray for her. Her CT scan is normal and her neurological is exam was normal. We made the decision yesterday to eliminate some things out of her diet before seeing a neurologist at Vanderbilt. We may still end up there, but I'm very hesitant. One of my best friend's daughter developed meningitis a couple of years ago, and some of the medicine they gave her for her migraines had such terrible side effects. Side effects that actually were worse than the migraine at times. We are keeping a close eye on her. I am grateful our family doctor is one of my best friends.
I get the sweetest letter from a friend who is working in Korea. It was such a happy surprise! And the envelope was PINK! I cannot wait to be able to sit down and write her back. I love, love letters, notes and cards that arrive by snail mail! There is just something so wonderful about having a handwritten note that someone has taken the time out of their day to sit down and write for you. She has a blog she tries to update often, but I am so excited about having a pen pal.
The youth girls at our church had a fellowship this past Saturday and I cannot wait to write about the details of the day. Such a fabulous day!!
I have been given the opportunity to work some from home. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to handle it, but I want to give it a try. We are currently still trying to work out the details. Hopefully, I can share more later.
My friend Deborah finally announced she is expecting. It's been a hard secret to keep because I am so excited for her. You must see the cute way she made the announcement to everyone on Facebook and on her blog. Love it! They told their family at her twins' birthday party by having them open up a onesie. So cute!
My cousin, Stephanie, had major surgery this past week. She's been battling cancer for a long time now. She's a fighter. Please pray for her and her family. Her husband is so supportive. She has 3 small boys.
My cousin, Heather, is expecting baby number 3. She currently has 2 kidney stones. Please pray they will break up on their own so she will be able to pass them and will avoid surgery.
There are other things that have happened this week that are too private to share on a blog. None of them pleasant.
Hopefully, I can at least sit down later tonight and write about one of the events of the past week. What a week!
Embracing Your Season
9 hours ago
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