I am working on a post about a precious thing we were able to do with our girls yesterday, and I hope to get it finished later today. For now, I wanted to thank you for praying. I've had about 25 messages (text, emails, Facebook) friends have sent me to let me know they are praying. I will say it again, I have the most amazing friends. Their is no greater comfort than to know you are being laid at the foot of the Throne of Grace. I had a friend say in an email last night, "Sometimes life comes crashing down on us all at once - that's the devil trying to make us give up - don't let him win!! I will be praying for you!!" Miranda, you are so right! He's already lost the war, but he certainly tries to win many battles.
I am writing this so I can go back to read this to remind myself how blessed I am to have friends who love me enough to carry me to Jesus. And even though satan tries to kill, steal and destroy, he's already lost the war.
I also want to ask you to pray for my friend's husband. He was with friends at Cummins Mill on Sunday afternoon and fell about 9-10 ft. He was sitting behind the falls and one of his friends was climbing up to to where he and another friend were. His friend lost his footing and when He reached out to grab him, he fell. His friend is banged up but is okay. Praise God!! He, however, fell face first. He has stitches and staples in multiple places and a concussion. He's experiencing short term memory loss also. It's scary for them. He goes back tomorrow for more test. Please, please keep in your prayers. It could have been so much worse. Praise God it wasn't!! I would give you his name but I haven't asked my friend for permission yet. When I do and she gives me the okay, I'll let you know. A lot you already know about this and know him, but for those don't... well, the Lord knows who is.
And pray for my friend Connie and her family. Some many details to workout still about their move...so much sadness. Mercy, my heart hurts!
I am praying this is a much, much better day. God is sovereign. I'm holding tightly to that truth this morning!
Embracing Your Season
9 hours ago
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