Today is my dad's 71st birthday. I've been thinking a lot the past few days about just how blessed we are to have him. We've been given strict instructions not to buy him anything, nor are we to throw him a party.
I just keep thinking about what a gift from the Lord Jesus he is to all of us.
ALL of us.
Each and every person who has ever met him.
I've thought about all the things he's given me. I'm not talking about things you can pay money for either.
I'm talking about unconditional, unwavering, longsuffering love.
And choosing to be my dad.
Even long before he married my mom, he treated us as if we were his biological children.
Sara wrote a sweet poem for English about him, and she has framed it to give to him when we go to visit him after church.
He's going to love it.
We love him so, so much!!